Thursday, June 2, 2011

puppies, foster care and germany!

What do those three things have to do with one another? Not a whole lot, but that pretty much sums up our week! The puppies are doing great. Driving us crazy, but doing great! We still have six, healthy pups, so that's a plus. :) They are starting to develop personalities and some of them are working my nerves w/the yelping/barking, but they are cute as ever!

We just finished the last of our paperwork and are now waiting for our home study to be completed. YES, we had four? home studies, however, our home developer still has to "write" our home study and submit it to her supervisors before everything is complete. Then everything will be submitted to Austin, and it is my understanding that it takes 24-48 hours after our license has been submitted before we'll be "open." Yesterday I emailed our home developer asking her for a guestimate as to how long until we're officially licensed and her response was, "About two weeks-ish. Hopefully!" Ugh, really?????? People I have BEEN patient. And I don't just mean patient for ME, I mean patient period. Six months just seems like an awfully long time to complete something like this. I know people who have ADOPTED (not through foster care...just to clear that up!) quicker than we were licensed! Granted, I haven't heard of many that happen that fast, but a few! Pray for me people. Pray for me. I'm running out of patience. I just wanted to be finished w/this ONE thing.

Why Germany? No, we are not going there, and we are not adopting from there, however, we have friends who have been called to the mission field and Germany will soon be their new home! Tonight we got to hang out w/an old friend of mine from back home and hear how God has called his family to Germany as missionaries @ Black Forest Academy. It was nice meeting his wife and two kids and learning a little more about what God has in store for them. If this interests you at all, go check out their blog: I've also added them to the blog list of blogs I keep up with.

It has been a very long day of puppies, work and preparing for guests, so I am headed to bed!


  1. You guys will make awesome Foster Parents! Some child will be so lucky to be in such a loving home! Praying for patience for you guys as you wait... a very frustrating thing to do, for sure!

  2. Thanks, Brandon! We really appreciate that! Praying that you guys reach your fund raising goals QUICKLY!!
